39th SIME Congress - Interview with Prof. Andrea Lenzi

39th SIME Congress – Interview with Prof. Andrea Lenzi

Interview with Prof. Andrea Lenzi, President of the National Committe for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences of the Presidency of the Council ...
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39th SIME Congress - Interview with Dr. Nadia Fraone

39th SIME Congress – Interview with Dr. Nadia Fraone

Interview with Dr. Nadia Fraone, Councillor of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SIME), who presents the Session The Elegance of the lips: ...
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Interview with Prof. Felice Strollo

Interview with Prof. Felice Strollo

Interview with Prof. Felice Strollo, Councillor of the Italian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (AIMAA), who presents the Session AIMAA informs: Gynecomastia ...
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39th SIME Congress - Interview with Dr. Elena Fasola

39th SIME Congress – Interview with Dr. Elena Fasola

Interview with Dr. Elena Fasola, General Secretary of the Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology (AIGEF), who presents the Session Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology (in scientific ...
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39th SIME Congress - Interview with Prof. Giuseppe Argenziano

39th SIME Congress – Interview with Prof. Giuseppe Argenziano

Interview with Prof. Giuseppe Argenziano, Director of the dermatological clinic of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli, who presents the ...
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39th SIME Congress - Interview with Prof. Domenico Amuso

39th SIME Congress – Interview with Prof. Domenico Amuso

Interview with Prof. Domenico Amuso, Surgeon, Specialist in General Surgery and Sports Medicine, Modena, who presents the Session Physiopathology of Adipose ...
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39th SIME Congress - Interview with Dr. Emanuele Bartoletti

39th SIME Congress – Interview with Dr. Emanuele Bartoletti

Interview with Dr. Emanuele Bartoletti, President of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SIME), who presents the Scientific Sessione Predictability and ...
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