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SIME 40. A goal and, most importantly, a starting point.

The last 40 years have brought profound changes to our field of expertise, but that’s not it. We have seen changes in our society, habits, customs, the meaning of life and its quality, as a result of a significant increase in lifespan. We were born during the economic boom and we are now going through a long recession.

But the focus on ourselves has not changed. The desire to feel good about ourselves and to achieve psychological and physical well-being in old age. In recent years, we have witnessed an increase not only in life expectancy, but also in the productive life of individuals, and this has made it necessary for us to find the best way of dealing with the changes that inevitably occur as time passes.

Today, we need to feel “good about ourselves” at any age and medicine is very much in demand, with patients increasingly seeking out treatments to improve their looks, personal balance and general harmony in order to achieve self-confidence, but also for professional reasons and a profound spiritual need.

Aesthetic Medicine has evolved over time, constantly satisfying the needs of the population while staying firmly rooted in its principles: “to implement a social, preventive, curative and rehabilitative medicine programme for the benefit of the community. The main points of this field of action are:

the treatment of physical adversity and constitutional aesthetic alterations;

the treatment of beauty flaw disease and traumatic accidents;

the prevention of ageing and of the resulting mental and physical disability;

constant education in order to allow anyone to manage their biological heritage rationally thanks to mental health, physical and nutrition programmes.

(Carlo Alberto Bartoletti, La Medicina Estetica journal: No. 1, Year 1, pages 1-2, 1977)

In keeping with these principles, over the years SIME has strived to adapt the annual Congress – its ultimate opportunity for scientific exchange – to the latest trends in the organisation of medical events by fully involving the public, focusing sessions on specific topics, reducing the time of individual sessions, and leaving more and more room for interaction with participants.

This year, for the first time, our Congress will feature some “live” sessions, which are particularly sought after by our colleagues. This is not a novelty as far as congresses are concerned, but before launching this upgrade we wanted to be certain of its feasibility and safety, and its legality as well.

This year, we will continue to cooperate with leading Scientific Societies representing disciplines closely associated with Aesthetic Medicine in terms of clinical interest. These specialists will help us broaden our knowledge of the medical-aesthetic aspects of their disciplines, sharing their tricks and tips, and focusing especially on the prevention and management of complications.

Nowadays, all speakers, chairmen, participants and companies are constantly acknowledging the continuous improvement in the quality of scientific publications, which no longer overlook objective data, objective measurements, bibliographical evidence of every statement made in the presentation, the quality of the images and respect for deadlines. This is exactly why I would like to thank all the speakers who have attended the SIME Congress for their constant efforts to improve the scientific quality of their presentations.

And this is essential, since Aesthetic Medicine needs Science, and Science must be produced by its professionals. Aesthetic physicians must be the source of the science of Aesthetic Medicine.

As the Congress draws near, we will tell you more about all the novelties and curiosities you will find at our next event.

For now, please submit your work to be presented at a Congress that is set to leave a mark in the field of Aesthetic Medicine: the 40th SIME CONGRESS.

Emanuele Bartoletti

Emanuele Bartoletti

SIME 2019 President

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Congress venue

Congress Centre Rome Cavalieri
Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts

Via Cadlolo, 101 – 00136 Rome

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Scientific Secretariat

Via Monte Zebio, 28 – 00195 Rome
Tel. – Fax: +39 06/3217304
sime@lamedicinaestetica.it – www.lamedicinaestetica.it

Organizing Secretariat
Salus Internazionale ECM – Provider ECM 763

Via Monte Zebio, 28 – 00195 Rome
Tel. +39 06/37353333

Hotel Reservations
Ideameeting International srl

Via Terni, 66 – 00182 Rome
Tel. +39 06/5852301 Fax: +39 06/58523020

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